iwant.pk - is a B2B technology platform for finding and connecting with Pakistan based businesses (Corporates / SMEs / Start-ups).
iwant.pk - core focus is on facilitating local and international businesses (buyers) to connect with businesses based across Pakistan.
(as sellers / traders / manufacturers / growers).
* So List your business on iwant.pk for other businesses to find and connect with you.
* Find other businesses amongst 100's of categories, sending instant alerts to all businesses / service-providers listed, of the particular service category searched.
* Promote your businesses optimally and efficiently as against the out-dated and expensive mediums such as sms, print, electronic.
* ! want does not charge its subscribers with commissions on every transaction taking place; nor does it promotes 3rd party advertisements which causes distraction to task-at-hand by cluttering the screen-space.
* Advertisers / Businesses pay an Annual Listing Fee of $ 200 / year.
* The subscription model largely ensures that only quality content is made available; as oppose to a free-for-all quantitative model; while also supporting the verification process.
* Subscribers will avail the following benefits :
- Introductory Video of your business to be promoted across Social Media Platforms.
- Your Company Logo on Landing Page of Mobile Application & Website.
- Contact Details accessible from within app. (email / website / telephone # )
- Receive Instant Alerts every-time anyone searches your business category.
- History of Searches / Alerts / Tasks Status within App.
- Promotion of your Business across our social media pages.
( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube ).
- Coverage via Other Promotion from time to time.
Download the App from Playstore :
( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dd.com.want )